Monday, May 6, 2013

it's just feels so good and powerful to be different than every one else even if they didn't like you
it's just feels so good and powerful not to be the dead fish swimming with flow like every one around you
it's just feels so good and powerful not to be the one who believe that ignorance is a bless
it's just feels so good and powerful to let the music move you to express yourself
it's just feels so good and powerful to start again
it's just feels so good and powerful to scream with a loud voice I'm right and you're not
it's just feels so good and powerful not to be racist
it's just feels so good and powerful to believe in world peace
it's just feels so good and powerful to let your heart beat like the drums of a revolution of freedom
it's just feels so good and powerful to believe that god exist and he could carry you from the depth of the darkness
it's just feels so good and powerful to forgive yourself and let go what you've done
it's just feels so good and powerful to feel alive
Drop that
get up
Take to the streets
better lock that kid up
Face full of teeth when he hock that spit up
Pacing the beat like a beast
Rocking the block on repeat
Speak from the cut like a rush of blood
Paint red on the sleeves of the ones you love
Lay the sick ones down and the bells will ring
Put pennies on the eyes let the dead men sing

I shiver and shake the warm air cold
I'm alone on my own
In every mistake I dig this hole
Through my skin and bones

It's harder starting over
Than never to have changed

With Blackbirds following me
I'm digging out my grave
They close in, swallowing me
The pain, it comes in waves
I'm getting back what I gave

I sweat through the sheet as daylight fades
As I waste away
It traps me inside mistakes I've made
That's the price I pay

I drop to the floor like I did before
Stop watching
I'm coughing
I can't be more
What I want and what I need are at constant war
Like a well full of poison
a rotten core
The blood goes thin
the fever stings
And I shake from the hell that the habits bring
Let the sick ones down
the bells will ring
Put pennies on the eyes
let the dead men sing

I'm getting back what I gave
I'm getting back what I gave

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you hear the people sing
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes
Will you join in our crusade Who will be strong and stand with me
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free
Do you hear the people sing
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France
Do you hear the people sing
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes

Sunday, April 14, 2013

الصكوك الاسلاميه

منذ مده ليست ببعيده مرر اعضاء الجماعه مشروع الصكوك لمجلس الشورى لتشريعه 
اعتقد ان موضوع الصكوك تاتى اهميته بعد انهيار الاقتصاد المصرى او بعده زمنيا حيث يرى اعضاء جماعه الاخوان فى مشروع الصكوك الحل الامثل فى مشكله الاقتصاد 
اولا الصكوك كتعريف هى اوراق ماليه كانت بتستخدم لتنظيم حركه التجاره بين المدن العربيه منذ زمن بعيد 
الصكوك حديثا هى اوراق ماليه تشبه السندات والاسهم فى بعض السمات 
هى فى الحقيقه ليست سمات هى عيوب و هنا حدثت المشكله التى اكتشفها احد اعضاء الجماعه لن يشترى المصريين الصكوك 
لذلك قرر اعضاء الجماعه الاجتماع بالمرشد لحل ازمه الصكوك
 وفعلا المرشد كان عنده الحل الامثل الحل اللى عمره ماخيب امال الاجماعه الحل اللى وصل الاخوان لكرسى الرئاسه واغلبيه البرلمان قررت الجماعه الاخوان تسميه الصكوك اسلاميه
نموذج حى لكيفيه متاجره الاخوان بالدين بس المشكله المره دى هى ان البلد بتعتمد بشكل اساسى على الاستثمار الاجنبى وبالتالى تسويق الصكوك الاسلاميه فى بلاد لا تتحدث العربيه والمشكله هى ترجمه الصكوك الاسلاميه للغه الانجليزيه تييييييييييييييييييييييت
الا يعتبر هذا ازدراء اديان 
او حتى ترجمه صكوك فقط للغه الانجليزيه تخيل وزير الاستثمار فى للخارج لتسويق الصكوك داعيا الاجانب لشراء الصكوك كالتالى : هاى يو بيبول وود يو ليك تو باى صم صكص
يرد عليه صوت ذكر امريكى من اصل افريقى :  هاى يو اراب جاى يو ار زا ون هو صط
الوزير : اكزاكتلى برو صك فور اند  مى
الوزير : هاى يو بلوند باك زير يو ونا صك اون ات
شبخ الازهر : اى تولد زم نوت تو كول ات اسلاميك


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Even your feelings are racist

                                                  even your feelings are racist

    Since it happened I just keep hearing those bad news about a bus crashes with a train 50 children dies for anyone that's a shocking thing for any human with human feelings that's a stop
   But for a racist it's a little different he must know first what's those children's religion is  to decide whether he is gonna wail on them or not
   Each one them has his own way to release the old wounds
   The first team usually goes for blood and avenges like burning the other team holy book or burning their house of worship or in some cases like that new one we have burning an innocent man just because he belongs to the other team
   On the other hand  the other team response doesn't offer so much violence but the point is a truck full of solders know nothing about anything don't look any different than those children but what would u expect from them NOTHING but when one man of them dies in fight oh it's weepy time
   What kills me is your reasons for rising against the system your reason's to chant in a house of God yasqot yasqot 7okem elmorshed is so selfish you supported the previous president who killed all those people and when hundreds of revolutionists died to take him out your way of  showing appreciation was electing his prime minister
   In a way I saw both teams commenting on that racist match  in a public place with the first team where no one knows I'm not one of them or in a home with the other team where I usually don't like to stop that anxiety racist status
  I saw your feelings and your body language from the scale of one to ten you are all racist and I'm not one of you or them I'm Egyptian

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

نهايه بلطجى
فى لمحه دراميه تاريخيه من فيلم صلاح الدين لما قال للملك الصليبى - تذكر قافله الحجاج - رساله للبلطجى جمال صابر - تذكر ميدان  التحرير - لما قررت انت وبلطجيه حازم ابن نوال الامريكيه ان تضرب وتقتل باسم الدين كذبا اطهر شباب فى مصر
ان ما تتعرض له الان ما اسميه العداله الالهيه التى لطالما دعت نساء مصر امهات ثوار التحرير ان تقع عليك 
هل تعلم كم سيده دعت الى ربها ان يريها فيك يوم وها هو هذا اليوم الذى تساق فيه مكبل معصوب العينين الى غير رجعه انت و عشيرتك من القتله الملطخه ايديهم بالدماء والبقيه تاتى 
تذكر عندما ادعيت كذبا على الشباب وقلت عنهم شواذ وبلطجيه ووجدنا اكواما من زجاجات الخمر والاوقيه الزكريه 
لتكن عبره لاخوانك فى جمعيه بلطجيه باسم الدين ولتعلم ان لكل ظالم نهايه 
ان ادعائك الاخير لاشعال الفتنه الطائفيه لانقاذ ابنك البلطجى الاخر يظهر كم انت انسان حاقد تريد حتى النفس الاخير اراقه الدماء 
 ولكن مصر الوحده الواحده اقوى منك ومن كل عملاء الارهاب الذى زرعته على مدى سنين انظمه قمعيه متخلفه ان مصر 
اقوى منك ومن حازم ابو اسماعيل الوجهه البشوش لحركه ارهابيه تريد الفتك بامن هذه الامه
وبمناسبه حازم صاحب مبدا ان الثائر الحق هو اللى يهيص فى الزيطه بعد كده يهدأ ويلبس جمال فى الحيطه هل توقعت ايها الكبش ان حازم او اى خروف اخر سينهض لنصرتك ها هو الان يتبرأ منك هل تصورت فى زاتك ان الامه ستنهض من اجل نصره بلطجى فى مواجهه الشرطه 
تحدث احد اولادك البلطجيه ولام الاخوان على ما يحدث الان لوالده وهو اخطر شىء فى نظرى
 ان هؤلاء القتله يعتقدون ان لديهم الان الغطاء السياسى و الامنى لجرائمهم وهو ما يدفعهم للتحرك بجرأه والاستمرار فى التوجهه العنيف للعنف اعتمادا على ان الخليفه المرسى بامر المرشد الاخوانى سيقوم من سريره ليأمر وزير الداخليه بالافراج عن هؤلاء المجرمون
هيهات يا تجار الدين يا من تستغلون جهل امتى لتنشروا سمومكم ان اخلاقنا الفطريه وسماحه ديانتنا اعظم منكم يا خرفان
اخيرا احب اذكر - اللهم لا شماته - شكرا للشرطه